Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Tried trimming my beard some

Posted: December 5, 2021 in Uncategorized

Learning how to use my beard trimmer to be ready for labs next year with vet tech college.


Posted: April 4, 2020 in Uncategorized

I still here wondering about the world.

How America has turned into a huge dumpster fire because of the President and greed in this world.

Where I barley make more then federal minimum wage and I’m classified as an essential worker in these trying times.

People have gone bat shit crazy over soap, toliet paper, hand sanitizer and masks but won’t comply with the stay at home order and our curfew 5am to 10pm here in California is barely getting reinforced after the first day it was put out.

Americans listen to Trump say it’s a Chinese disease and that turns people racist and savage against Asian Americans like when we had the Japanese all jam backed together like the deporties just because of there color of skin and history back in World war 2 after the attack on pearl harbor and now history is just repeating its self with Hispanics. It just sickends me.

What has this great nation of freedom done to society. It’s always the strong European white men that get what they want and end up fucking everything up in the end.

Saberna Gonzales

Posted: July 13, 2019 in Uncategorized


My best friend’s mom that is ohana got killed in a drunk driving accident and was the victim.


Posted: March 20, 2019 in Uncategorized

We live in the land of the binary.

Be male or female no in-between. Just black and white no gray.

When you fight back and say you are different you just get turned down.

All we ask is for acceptance of self. Look here I’m different and gray and it is fine. Why must I be stuck in your ways I always ask. I bend the rules never break and find loop holes.

This binary world is burning to the ground with new thinking. Of non-binary, queer, gray, rainbow thinking.

The binary and brackets of life are fading and changing. This new age is coming slowly but every day progresses for change of a better way where all are included.

Lost in time

Posted: March 20, 2019 in Uncategorized

Time ebbs and flows around me

Going from past, present, and future in a second.

I seem to be lost in time once again

Looking at my past wishing I could change a few things and know I can’t

In the present dreaming of the future

Hoping for better times but knowing dark days are just on the horizon as well

This warrior of time , thinking about all the days of past in the present to bring on my future

Thinking of all the choices I made

Thinking of the man I have become and will continue to become

Seeing that I don’t blend into the norms of society

Forever a beautiful outcast


Posted: November 26, 2017 in Uncategorized

I started Tesosterone on Nov. 21,2017.

The (Trans)cendental Tourist

It’s been a weird year for trans people.

Allow me to be more specific: It’s been a heated, daring, tumultuous, graphic, specularizing, aggressive, pointed, contentious, highly fatal, and really, really complicated year for trans people.

Here are a few examples: Kristina Gomez Reinwald, Ty Underwood, Lamia Beard, and many other transwomen of color have been brutally murdered at the hands of lovers, family members, and strangers. Meanwhile, Laverne Cox and Janet Mock have come to fame and exhibited incredible feats of grace, articulation, and poignancy under the gaze of an eager media. Blake Brockington, Leelah Alcorn, Taylor Alesana, and many other transgender youth have committed suicide after enduring endless bullying and systematic brutality. Meanwhile, Jazz Jennings became the new face of Clean & Clear and published a children’s picture book about her life, and teen trans couple Arin Andrews and Katie Hill (best known for “Can You Even Believe They’re Trans?!” types of headlines) wrote and published individual books…

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a gentleman and a scholar

As much as I write about trans issues, particularly those outside of a binary framework, I realised recently that the majority of that writing is about education, media, specific activist events or frameworks.

Not that I think any of that is a bad thing – but it does leave out something that I, and a lot of other trans people, do in our day to day lives – we swap advice on the practicalities of living in a cissexist, transphobic world.

So here’s what I have on navigating the world as someone who does not (or does not primarily, or straightforwardly) live as a man or a woman.* If you’re new to this, I hope it helps. If you’re an old hand, I’d love to hear your advice. It should go without saying that no one should feel obliged to act as I do to have their gender recognised. But…

View original post 2,392 more words

Posted: May 2, 2013 in Uncategorized