Archive for March, 2021


Posted: March 9, 2021 in All Things Trans

3 years and 4 months since I started my medical transition. It sure has been a roller coaster of emotions. I started T gel while on the last shot of depo aka progesteone. Depo made my periods erratic so I stopped it but then spotted for a year till my emergency hysterectomy. Still have my ovaries because insurance bs . Then I got top surgery free with my insurance just had to get a doctor’s and therapist’s letters. I’m still in awe of my changes. I rock a full beard, dyed my hair ginger, have fur all over me. Have a really good skin and scar treatment regiment that before I just let myself go. I’m finally happy in my skin. I don’t want bottom surgery, just scares the living daylights out of me how they do it. I will stick with the sex shops if I need anything. So I’m finally a self made man. Still a huge nerd and goofball but no longer panicking about dysphoria or how my shirt looks or how my voice sounds. Plus I’ve been retraining my tenor voice to sing phantom of the opera my favorite musical. I’m blessed to have my wife that pushed me for my name change and helped me become the authentic me. Only sad note is I haven’t seen my mom in 10 years because I decided to leave Montana to be free and be me. I’m thankful California has trans medical doctors that have been practicing transgeder medicine for 20 plus years as my doctors and surgeons. I’ve documented my changes on my youtube and still get amazed at the little changes of arm hair difference and how my veins look on my hands. So now I’m just on maintance dose of T gel for the rest of my life. Man it’s been one crazy ride. Hopefully I can be the best husband to my wife and hopefully a dad one day be it a kid or fur babies.