Archive for April, 2020


Posted: April 4, 2020 in Uncategorized

I still here wondering about the world.

How America has turned into a huge dumpster fire because of the President and greed in this world.

Where I barley make more then federal minimum wage and I’m classified as an essential worker in these trying times.

People have gone bat shit crazy over soap, toliet paper, hand sanitizer and masks but won’t comply with the stay at home order and our curfew 5am to 10pm here in California is barely getting reinforced after the first day it was put out.

Americans listen to Trump say it’s a Chinese disease and that turns people racist and savage against Asian Americans like when we had the Japanese all jam backed together like the deporties just because of there color of skin and history back in World war 2 after the attack on pearl harbor and now history is just repeating its self with Hispanics. It just sickends me.

What has this great nation of freedom done to society. It’s always the strong European white men that get what they want and end up fucking everything up in the end.